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The Union will stop at nothing to achieve victory.
Will Swiftsure be able to withstand the relentless waves of attacks?
Cliff Rawlins, after recovering from the explosion that destroyed his headquarters, finds he has no time to rest. The Union is determined to wipe out anything that prevents them from absorbing the most economically powerful solar systems in settled space. They launch waves of attacks, devastating Rawlins’ forces.
With his fleet down to its last ships, Rawlins launches a “Hail Mary” attack to buy his forces time that they need desperately. The Union, with too few ships to resume the offensive, offers bounties to the major criminal syndicates to prey upon the convoys Swiftsure protects. Swiftsure must find an answer.
The race is on. Whichever side manages to finish building new ships first will have a huge advantage. Swiftsure pulls just far enough ahead in the arms race to position itself on the cusp of victory, but its clients pull them back. They decide to negotiate with the Union, whose only intent is to buy time to rebuild its fleets.
The war between the Union of Free Planets and the mercenary navy is about to reach a climax. At stake is the fate of settled space…
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About John Spearman
John Spearman (Jake to his friends and colleagues) is a Latin teacher and coach at a prestigious New England boarding school. The proud father of four boys, he lives with his wife (and five dogs) in coastal Maine when school is not in session. Rawlins’ Redemption is his twentieth book.